Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interview with DB Pancake Blocked by Chambers

Recently we caught up with Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Brandon Carr who suffered a major pancake block at the hands, literally, of Chambers last season.

Fan Club: Brandon, what was the first thing that went through your mind when you saw 300+ lbs. of fire-breathing moosemobile bearing down on you like a doughnut-seeking missile?

Carr: Listen, I've been afraid before, but this is the first time I actually wet myself.

FC: Wow! So you're basically trembling in your cleats and then the contact comes. Describe that moment.

C: It was like my whole life flashed before my eyes and then the grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

FC: See what?

C: It's like you're floating above your own body and watching it get suspended in slow motion like some rag doll that's been smacked with a baseball bat. Basically, it was sick. As I was coming back down to the ground I was thinking, man this O-lineman know what time it is.

FC: So you're in the air. Then what?

C: It's like you snap back to reality, oops there goes gravity, and you're so mad but the crowd goes so loud and the words just won't come out. I'm lying on my back looking through the tears and wondering if my legs are still attached to my body when I see the replay on the jumbotron. I realize, I've just been posterized, yo!

FC: So everyone knows the rest of the story. You're carted off and sit out the rest of the game. Any hard feelings towards Chambers?

C: No man. Hate the game, not the player, yo. It's all good. I just know if I keep my eyes on number 73 and stay out of his way it's all good.

FC: Thanks and good luck this season.

1 comment:

  1. I like Brandon Carr's style can we invite him to be a regular poster.
