Tuesday, April 1, 2008

30 Rock Therapy

I made a link to this on an earlier post, but now I've figured out how to embed it there will be no extra work to find it.

I find '30 Rock' to be much more entertaining than it has any right to be. That darn Tina Fey's a funny one. Even on the bad shows there is usually one really funny moment or joke. Hope you like this clip as much as I did.


  1. Love that show. I can't believe that it almost didn't get renewed last season. What a world.

  2. sometimes that show is just SO hilarious. I really loved this part you posted originally, and it was just as good the 2nd time around. I do think that Tina Fey is really quite funny. This show is so much funnier than I ever thought it could possibly be.

  3. 30 Rock has got me through my last year of graduate school.

  4. Kenneth is my favorite.

    "I don't drink hot drinks. That's the devil's temperature."

  5. Kenneth held up tighty whities as proof that he made out with the cute blonde receptionist. I am laughing just thinking about it.
