Saturday, April 26, 2008

daft punks

hello fellows.

i would like to share with you all the video i made with the other 4th grade teachers at my school. it was for a teacher talent show that we put on for the kids, and the theme was "youtube." one of the ideas was an american express commercial (i.e. pencils: 25 cents, books: $7.95, no students all summer: priceless), but i convinced them to let me fulfill a dream of mine to beat-up people on camera, like the beastie boys sabotage video.

mind you, it's not nearly as cool--i was short on actors (see if you can find how many different people i play), resources, cinematographers, and time. it's nearly impossible to keep teachers at the school past 4:00. i hope you enjoy. dedicated with love and joy in my heart:


  1. Pretty cool, Mikey.

    I liked the lesson, too: attempted aggravated assault will get you sent to the principal's office, mister. And we may call your parents.

  2. That was excellent! I liked the Chanesque use of books, ladders, etc.

  3. Thanks fellas. For every segment I was filming, I asked myself two questions: WWJCD...What would Jackie Chan do...and will I get called in to Mr. Van Alfen's office for showing this to first and second graders.

  4. Awesome, dude. Henry watched it with me and kept flapping his arms in excitement. Elsa kept asking "what are those bad guys going to do to them?" And William kept shouting "Boom! Boom!"

  5. BOOM is right.

    BOOM BOOM see-ya punks.
