Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who's Ready For Spring?

I don't know where the rest of you's guys are, but here in Provo we've had the coldest winter since...last winter. But the winter before THAT (2006 for all those who can count) was unseasonably warm. If we had a cold spell it was quickly replaced by warm weather.

I just checked for the ten day forecast and they were predicting 'snow' or 'some snow' for the next ten days. TEN DAYS OF SNOW OR SOME SNOW?! Just shoot me and bury me in an ice cold grave.

The frigid weather, the WGA strike and Heath Ledger (the Hollywood version of Dwerden)dying make this a real stinker of a January.

If it weren't for you, loyal Provonians...well, and my family and oreo cakesters, I might give up the ghost and call it a life.


  1. Poor true Provonians. Here in NC we've had one light dusting of snow. But I think it has gotten down into the teens a few times.

  2. We're freezing out here in the middle of the country too. I'm getting very sick of it. So I'm with you Tone!

  3. The best thing about this winter is that we haven't had all those days of below 0 weather. Those days made even the heartiest eskimo shirk.

  4. We had the longest sustained cold weather in the 5 years that I've been in Pullman. Just in time for moving day.

    On the bright side, I was able to x-country ski from my apartment and out onto the campus golf course a couple of times.
