Monday, June 13, 2011


Here's a two-part action-packed miniseries made by my students.
Commie Terrorists - check.
Elite Freedom-loving Commando Unit - check.
Prelude to Buttkicking Montage - check.
Complete Disregard for Continuity - Let's rock.

And find more bizarre stuff here:

Monday, June 6, 2011


Jed and I were waiting in line to get free hot-dogs at RC Willies and our conversation lead us to the topic of techno music. I brought up the point that techno music can transcend all ages. Jed laughed at the thought and said he would give me a six pack of Welch's Grape soda if I could get his children into techno. Watch the videos all the way through. They are beautiful.

Here is the Pied-Piper of techno.

This is a newer Disney film, just in case your boys didn't like the last one.

This song almost brought me to tears.